Wednesday, May 30, 2012


It's been suggested to me that I should write a book about being a single Dad.  Admittedly it's an appealing idea.  However, I would have to face my near crippling doubts about myself and open up about the fact that while I act with complete confidence I constantly question if I'm doing everything (or anything) right.  Of course, I think any parent that cares is probably going through the same shit.  So maybe I will start to blog about my daily Dad adventures.  Perhaps this could lead somewhere.  May even be cathartic, who knows?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wherefore art thou sleep?

Wow, where did this night go?  Where the hell did this day go?  They just keep slipping through my fingers.  One of these days I'm going to run out of days and I think maybe I should be spending them a bit more wisely.  I've been thinking a lot lately about missed opportunities.  I realize I can do a lot more than I do.  I am going to try.  I don't have any regrets mind you (well, two that I can think of, but they're both women and not who you think) regrets are foolish and weak.  Regrets are a waste because it's time and energy spent on things you CANNOT change.  My ex-wife was and is big on obsessing over shit from her past.  One of the many ways in which she completely lost my respect.  Forget the past and move on.  Actually, don't forget.  Learn from your past.  Let it go.  Then move on.  Seriously, if people can't stop acting like shit from years ago is still happening, I may have to slap somebody.